Public Report Writing Workshop
Move projects forward and guide decision-makers to make sound choices with your accurate, coherent report writing. Learn how to build logical explanations, explain complex ideas to non-specialists and build an easy-to-navigate report.
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$389 + GST
To ensure everyone gets plenty of one-to-one support from Morag during the workshop, numbers will be capped at ten.
You’ll learn how to
Ask key questions to understand your commission and ensure a fit-for-purpose finished document
Identify primary and secondary readers
Choose the right reporting type, organise your information and level of detail to meet audience expectations
Build accurate, reader-friendly sentences using punctuation to direct your reader’s focus
Design an easy-to-navigate report that leads readers through your analysis and focuses their attention on your key content
Write a clear, concise executive summary
Create a constructive environment for peer review and feedback
You’ll be introduced to
N.Z.’s Plain Language Law and how it affects you
The latest research on reading behaviour
Insights from world-leading writing experts
Current, best-practice reporting exemplars
What will happen on the day?
Morag will lead you through tasks designed to build your skill, efficiency, and confidence with report writing.
You'll be given two comprehensive student workbooks full of exemplars, tips, and advice from communication experts.
The workshop will be active. You'll apply what you learn directly to your reports.
You'll get individual help and get to go at a pace that suits you.
You won’t be put on the spot or asked to share your work unless you choose to.
We’ll break for 20 minutes for morning and afternoon tea and take 30 minutes for lunch.
What should I bring?
Your laptop, Chrome Book, or iPad with access to reports you’ve written and/or a report you are currently writing.
The Dish Café will be open, but you’re welcome to bring your own lunch.
Once you’ve registered for the workshop
You’ll receive a welcome email with pre-course reading and viewing tasks, and directions to Petridish.
You’ll be invited to send samples of your report writing to Morag for a pre-course assessment. Your report samples will be kept strictly confidential.
Your Instructor
Morag MacTaggart
Morag has coached and trained workplace writers from all spheres, from senior executives to staff that spend most of their day in the field. She has worked alongside large corporates, local and regional government, not for profits, and small businesses.
With over twenty-five years’ English teaching experience, Morag brings an extensive understanding of the best ways to foster active learning. Her lively approach coupled with plenty of laughter builds a constructive learning environment. From here, new skill acquisition and, most importantly, lasting change can take place.