Writing for International Professionals
If English is your 2nd, 3rd, or 4th language, this course is for you. You’ll learn how to write business English clearly and efficiently to see your clients happy, your boss impressed, and you achieve your career goals.
2–4 half-days
You’ll learn how to
Define your purpose and follow an efficient writing process
Use reader analysis to determine your most effective tone, style and method of communication
Give English language readers the grammar and syntax patterns they prefer most
Move readers through your text using a straightforward, logical progression
Present specialist information for non-specialist readers
Make your longer documents easy for readers to find the information they seek
You’ll be introduced to
N.Z.’s Plain Language Law and how it affects you
The latest neuroscience into the ways a first language impacts the brain
Research from the field of linguistics into intercultural competence
Your Instructor
Morag MacTaggart
Morag has coached and trained workplace writers from all spheres, from senior executives to staff that spend most of their day in the field. She has worked alongside large corporates, local and regional government, not for profits, and small businesses.
With over twenty-five years’ English teaching experience, Morag brings an extensive understanding of the best ways to foster active learning. Her lively approach coupled with plenty of laughter builds a constructive learning environment. From here, new skill acquisition and, most importantly, lasting change can take place.